1. Traceability
In today’s market, organic roducts are many times very hard to trace
back to the sour for many reasons… for example mixing of batches from different areas, many intermediaries and so on.
Mixing batches also makes it hard to claim that all is ecological even though it is claimed to be so.
We will be able to have traceability from earth to consumer and be able to show you this digitally. You can feel assured to know what fields or batches are eco-certified and which ones are working on becoming ecological.

2. Quality not Quantity
Many times, volume is an issue since many producers are working towards wholesalers demands (bulk). It drives an overproduction and therefore harvesting in otherwise protected areas are not uncommon, without consideration of the ecosystems or recovery of the plants harvested.
As mentioned, different batches can be blended to be able to achieve larger quantities of the same product. This also gives a “only one kind”-product since the variation in fragrance or other characteristics are levelled in the mixing process.
We will work out of supply and demand, respecting the regulations that are there for the protection of our nature. We will give you clean batches and focus on the quality as well as the chemical profiles rather than quantity.
3. "Cutting of the middle hands"
When making our field studies we quickly realized that there are many,MANY, intermediaries between the harvested plants to distillery and later between the distillery and consumers. Sometimes as many as 15 or more!
We will work directly with the farmers or harvesters to give more added value to the source as well as the consumer.
And to be honest, wouldn’t it be
nice to know the farmer/harvester that put the product on your table? It would almost feel like a local farmers market.
4. Equipment
Many times, old, rusty equipment are used. Not uncommonly, one or two chickens can also get cooked in the equipment since the workers are working far from electricity… To make the fire everything that can burn is used, not uncommonly car tires since they burn longer.
We will use new, well maintained equipment, and make sure nothing is cooked. The energysource for the distilling equipment will be gas or electricity, depending on the infrastructrure.

5. Controlled distilling process
Old techniques requires making fires to heat up the equipment. Many times this is a risky business since it can start fires in the forest or mountains. This technique makes the heating uncontrolled.
We will use modern technique that makes it possible to control the distilling process and also use the benefits of vacuum distillation since many raw materials such as flowers of different kinds requires a more careful hand not to overheat the extracts.
6. Mobility
The usual distribution chain requires the plants to be transported to the distillery. We will do the opposite. We will take the equipment to the fields, almost like a foodtruck.
7. Transparency
We want our work to be transparent and for you to be able to follow not only the journey of the raw materials but also the working conditions. Being a farmer or a harvester is hard work and we want the people working with us to feel well taken care of.
8. Sustainability
When claiming to have ecological products it usually means that artificial pesticides are not used in the farming. It does not say anything about other aspects of farming.
Eco-certification can be expensive for a small- or middlesized farmer, and many do not get certified although working without artificial pesticides.
For some farmers it is feeling too risky to become ecological since it means a higher risk for bad harvest the first years and therefore lower income.
We want to support not only already ecologicalfarmers but also those who want to make the transition.
We also want to work for a more sustainable production chain in the longer run. This will of course take time and effort.
But with this effort we can together set a new standard to organic raw material!